Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and growth

Leaders have a responsibility to create organisational effectiveness and efficiencies. Some of these can be created by processes and systems, however most will be created through the people they lead.

Leading others and organisations require particular skills that are key to create people effectiveness. This involves creating synergies between people, motivating individuals and teams, creating a collaborative culture and ensuring people grow.

Our Transformational Leadership Programme is designed to help leaders understand and further develop their own collaborative leadership qualities, enabling them to bring out the best in others. One of the best vehicles to demonstrate leadership is a presentation.

I benefited from this training in a number of ways. It was an opportunity to gain insights... and hear from important members of our organization. It felt like a non-judgemental environment (finally!) to receive genuine and helpful feedback. Coaching was incredibly insightful and has opened my eyes to improvements I need to make with my slides, my delivery and the importance of engaging the audience.

Leading is not exclusive to leadership roles. Therefore, whilst this programme is aimed at team and department leaders, it is also relevant to anyone aspiring to advance and achieve transformational leadership through advanced presentation skills.

We take learners on a journey of self-discovery and technical skill development, helping them overcome ‘the fear factor’ and empowering leaders to surpass their potential.

CPD Accredited

Delivery in multiple languages

Remote alternatives available

Flexible Learning Journey

e-Learning Modules

• Six 15-minute modules

• Three core, interconnected, and interdependent elements;

→ Optimising Content, Optimising Self, Optimising the Room

• Applicable in both face-to-face and remote contexts

• Cover practical and psychological aspects for transformational outcomes

• Master essential fundamentals before real-world application

2-Day Workshop

• Immersive experience designed to be challenging and fun

• Builds on theory from the e-Learning

• Safe environment for practising presentation skills with team support

• Includes practical exercises at tables and in breakout groups

• Guided and supported by expert workshop facilitators and coaches

1-2-1 Coaching

• Coaching packages available for individuals

• Provide additional personalised coaching

• Help put into practice skills explored and acquired during the workshop environment

Our Transformational Leadership programme can be adapted and delivered to meet the specific needs of your teams and organisation. Our Global facilitation team can deliver in multiple languages and to mixed functional teams. Please request the programme guide for further details or contact us to discuss your requirements.

Learning Outcomes

Learners who participate in this programme;

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Lee Hallworth
Vercium Founder and CEO

Lee has worked as a Learning and Development expert across a range of industries for 25 years. Over the last decade Lee has worked globally to drive the development of Medical Affairs. During this time, he was a key player in initiating and building a Medica Affairs Academy in Japan and has established a network of talent across the globe to meet local and regional development goals.

He is enormously proud that the hand-picked Vercium team goes beyond reacting to clients’ needs, instead challenging them help evolve Medical and Medical professionals alike.